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Terms of use

Inforfinance, a legal entity governed by private law, registered under CNPJ nº. 41.515.272/0001-01 and headquartered at Street Adelino Cardana, No 293, Room 603 Block C, Centro, CEP 06.401-147, in the town of Barueri/SP is creator, owner and maintainer of the blog Inforfinance, whose domain is Inforfinance is a blog dedicated to the production of content with informative features and analysis of various financial products/services, such as: (finance, loans, credit card, investments, among others), provided by several companies (financial institutions), displaying content in order to inform the user of the product that best fits their needs.

These General Terms and Conditions of Use are available to the user at any time, through the address and apply together to these Terms and to the use of the website the provisions of Inforfinance’s Privacy Policy, available at: as well as the legislation in force.

Thus, the General Terms and Conditions of Use are intended to inform the responsibilities, duties and obligations that every User has when accessing and/or using Inforfinance, as informed in the items below.

Remembering that we do not intervene in any type of process that has analysis and/or credit approval from any of our customers or partners. In this way, we reinforce that the final decision regarding the execution of a deal, the granting of credit or even the offer, is always theirs alone, in accordance with their criteria and credit and risk policies.


1.1. By accessing Inforfinance, the User AGREES to respect all the General Terms and Conditions of Use and Inforfinance’s Privacy Policy.

1.2. By accessing and/or using Inforfinance, the User declares to be at least 18 (eighteen) years of age, having full and express capacity to accept the terms and conditions of these Terms and Conditions of Use for all legal purposes.

1.3. If the User does not fit the above description and/or does not agree, even in part, with the terms and conditions contained in these Terms and Conditions of Use, he shall not have access and/or use the services offered by Inforfinance, thus such as the websites and services operated by it.


2.1. The User has this service to answer all their doubts, solve any problems and also present complaints or other information about products/services available at Inforfinance.

2.2. The “Contact Us” can be activated through the


3.1. The User must carefully read all the clauses in this Terms and Conditions of Use and in the Privacy Policy and by using the products and/or services made available on Inforfinance, you fully agree to all clauses and conditions of these Terms.

3.2 Inforfinance provides links and/or redirects the User to other websites, where the User can contract these services and/or purchase the products of the respective companies, without any type of intervention by Inforfinance.

3.3 If the User is redirected to the company’s website page advertised on the website, the User must carefully read and expressly agree with the terms and conditions of use and the privacy policy of the advertised company.

3.4 Inforfinance has no responsibility for the general terms and conditions of use and the privacy policy of the advertised companies, nor for the information on the services and/or products advertised and even for the services and/or products that may be offered and/or contracted from the advertised companies.

3.5 Inforfinance is not responsible for any virus, malware, spyware, trojan or any software that may damage or change the configurations of the Users’ equipment, as a result of browsing or use on the internet or the implication of transferring data, images, files , texts or audios.

3.6 Users are fully responsible for keeping their equipment’s operating system up to date, as well as antivirus programs.

3.7. Inforfinance is not responsible for any loss and damage arising from irregular use of Inforfinance and/or any eventual case and/or force majeure.

3.8 Inforfinance does not send or request bank transfers or deposits for the granting or approval of any financial product.

3.9 Inforfinance does not send e-mails to Users asking for confirmation of data or registration with executable attachments (such as: .exe, .com, .scr., .zip, .rar extensions), nor links for the execution of downloads. If you receive one, we ask that you notify us immediately through the website itself.

3.10 Without prejudice to the other provisions of these Terms of Use, the User is obligated to:

a) Not violate any rights of third parties when using Inforfinance;

b) Not to use Inforfinance with the intention of watching over or harassing third parties;

c) Not to commit fraudulent, dishonest, illegal or improper activities while using the Inforfinance website and;

d) Respect the conditions set out in these General Terms and Conditions of Use and in the Privacy Policy, as well as current Brazilian legislation;


4.1. Inforfinance’s General Terms and Conditions of Use may be modified, supplemented or replaced at any time and for any reason, at Inforfinance’s sole discretion, without prior notice or notification to Users.



5.1. These General Terms and Conditions of Use will be in force for an indefinite period and any judicial or administrative claims arising from the use of Inforfinance, object of these General Terms of Use or the Privacy Policy, must be proposed within 90 (ninety) days from the fact that the has provoked.


6.1. This General Terms and Conditions of Use must be read and interpreted in conjunction with the Privacy Policy. Both are governed by the laws in force in the Federative Republic of Brazil, mainly by the Federal Constitution, Civil Code, Consumer Defense Code, General Law of Marco Civil da Internet and General Data Protection Law.

6.2. All matters relating to interpretation, compliance or any other question related to these Terms and the Privacy Policy, the parties expressly agree and waive any other focus and submit to the jurisdiction of the Judicial District of Belo Horizonte, State of Minas Gerais.