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Privacy Policy

Inforfinance respects the privacy of its Users and, in order to demonstrate how their data is treated, presents the Privacy Policy, which complies with national and international data protection standards.

The User, when using Inforfinance, agrees with the processing of his data, aware that he is in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy and with the General Terms and Conditions of Use

This Privacy Policy must be read and interpreted, added to the General Terms and Conditions of Use of Inforfinance.

It is noteworthy that the guidelines included in this document are not applied to third-party sites or other services that are related to them. Inforfinance does not exert any kind of influence over them, therefore, it is free of any responsibility in its established relationships, that is, between the user and the services and products of third parties that are disclosed on the website.

Our Global Personal Data Privacy Policy does not support or apply to partner websites, products or services or any other property, it is applying exclusively to the Inforfinance Blog.

And how does it work? Note the summary of the process of collecting and processing personal data here on the Inforfinance Blog:

1º You inform your data in our “QUIZ”, which are treated securely.

2º We use its according to the stated purpose and in accordance with the Law and/or Regulations; and,

In addition, we advise you to read other documents: DisclaimerTerms of Use of E-mail Marketing , and, Terms of Use of SMS available on this Blog –

If by chance the User does not agree, even in part, with the terms and conditions that are included in this Privacy Policy, he will not need to access or even use the contents that are made available by Inforfinance. By making use of the blog, the user guarantees to be aware and in full agreement with the treatment of his data, in addition to being in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy and also with the General Terms and Conditions of Use.

Inforfinance, understands and recognizes the responsibility to bring quality informative content to its users and thus expresses its ethical, moral and assertive commitment to the data processing of everyone. Therefore, our Global Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy is in accordance with the Laws in Force and Applicable of the countries where it operates, with the CCPA, PIPEDA and GDPR, among others, which are reflex of our good internal data processing practices.

What are personal data?

It is information, summed up or not the set of identified or identifiable Data related to a natural person, YOU. Thus, we can exemplify how Personal Data: Full name, address, telephone, electronic address (e-mail), Social Security Number, professional portfolio number, among others. However, among the Personal Data there is a somewhat peculiar category, those considered “sensitive”. Which are information that links a direct feature of the individual, for example; color, sex, religion, sexual orientation, and others. MAS, we would like to make it clear, that WE DON ‘ T COLLECT.

Know which types of personal data we collect

We know that you care about your “Privacy and Personal Data” and so it makes the right use, ethical and with responsibility, thus, as we do with our own. In this way, we avoid collecting data without need, respecting your privacy and choosing to share or not your information. Therefore, we adopt the principle of transparency and minimum collection to carry out our activities by counting only with your NAME, PHONE NUMBER and E-MAIL (electronic address).

Find out how we do this collection

It’s important to say that there are several ways to collect Personal Data, however, on our websites-Blogs, you do not necessarily need to log in or “enrollment” to access our content altogether. But, there are indispensable collections for the use and navigation of the USERS in our tools. Therefore, we will highlight them:


When you access our “QUIZ” provides us with some data during the filling of the information and only from your consent, we pass storing, treating, respecting the purpose, sharing your data (name, phone number and e-mail).

Information to users

Inforfinance aims to share financial information with its Users, with the aim of making economic knowledge accessible to everyone.

All functions of Inforfinance can be used without the User needing to register beforehand.

Inforfinance follows all international security norms and standards in the protection, storage, privacy and transmission of data, emphasizing that no method of data protection, storage, privacy and transmission is completely safe and inviolable.

Inforfinance does not send emails to any of its Users asking for money, or even confirmation of their personal data.

Personal identifiable data

In order to have access to free content on Inforfinance: e-books, quizzes and similar, the User must provide only two identifiable personal data, such as: name and e-mail.

Personal identifiable data processed by Inforfinance has the purpose of: carrying out an analysis of the User’s profile. In this way, Inforfinance will be able to carry out searches within its “feed” to obtain better information about its profile and thus, indicate personalized products and services according to the preferences and needs of each User.

Inforfinance may invite Users to participate in satisfaction surveys, where they will be sent e-mails with necessary guidance. The data collected will be used to administer the survey, with the aim of seeking improvements in the system and in the products, content and services offered by Inforfinance.

In case the User contacts Inforfinance to report any type of problem, ask any questions or even get our support, the user’s contact information will be collected and stored, as well as messages and other data necessary for verification of your question or problem. These same data will be used in order to resolve any questions, based on the information collected, clarify doubts, correct problems and also to improve the system, always with the aim of improving the Inforfinance User experience.

Non-Personal data

When Users do not request free content from Inforfinance, such as e-books, quizzes and the like, tracking may be carried out, together with the collection of non-personal data, pointing out, among other details, the pages of the website that were visited, the moment they were visited, which hyperlinks were clicked, which content or services were requested or indicated, among others.

Inforfinance uses cookies to contribute to the collection of IP (internet protocol) identification data and information; for easier navigation of the User, supporting the guarantee of protection, security and authenticity of the data. With the use of advertising cookies, Google and its partners may serve ads to users based on visits made to Inforfinance and/or other websites on the Internet.

The User may change at any time, whether or not he wishes to accept cookies in his browser configuration, bearing in mind that by disabling browsing cookies, some of Inforfinance’s functionalities may be impaired.

Data sharing

Inforfinance will not sell its Users’ information or personal data. However, you can share them with partner institutions and companies, with the aim of enabling the indication of the best services and products that meet your needs, or to provide services and/or products requested by the User.

Inforfinance reserves the right to assist or collaborate with any judicial authority or government agency and may share Users’ personally identifiable data, in order to:

1) establish or exercise your legal rights;

2) protect your properties;

3) when you consider that your assistance or cooperation is necessary for the protection of your Users, administrators, collaborators or any person harmed by the action or omission.

How do we protect your data

Keeping your data safe is our greatest concern, just as we protect ours. Therefore, Inforfinance follows practices and technologies that are constantly revised and improved, in accordance with national and international technical and regulatory advances. When we talk about protection, we are talking about any unauthorized access, use, alteration, disclosure or destruction of your data. As a precaution, so that this does not happen, we invest in ways that rely on encrypted communications, adherence to secure software development, access control, internal compliance policies, in addition to accountability and risk reduction measures, which allow for security in the cycle of data life. All User information is held in secure databases,

Data not processed and not collected

Inforfinance does not process personal data of children under the age of 13 (thirteen) without the prior authorization of their parents or legal guardians.

If there is unintentional collection and processing of personal data from children under thirteen (13) years of age, without the proper authorization of their parents or legal guardians, Inforfinance will delete all data that were collected, without any kind of notice.

If by chance the User knows that we may have carried out, in a mistaken way, the processing of a child’s data, we ask that they get in touch as soon as possible, so that we can take the necessary measures.


Inforfinance uses the services of several companies to display their advertisements on the website. These ads contain Cookies and/or Web Beacons, which are used to collect data on how these third-party companies’ ads are displayed. Inforfinance does not have access to this information and is also not responsible for the data and information that is collected by third-party companies.

Modification of the privacy policy

The Privacy Policy may be modified, completed or replaced at any time, at the private discretion of Inforfinance’s managers, without the consent or notification of Users.